Saturday, June 5, 2010

Addictive Time Suck.


  1. Nah! How else will you get good ideas? Besides, you'll need to take a break from writing now and then, right?

  2. A break from writing? You mean besides going to work and whoring myself on the internets for my loyal following of six? Don't mind if I do!! 8)

  3. I had to go cold turkey off Tiger Woods PGATour 10 for the Wii. Started getting up early to get in a few holes before work.

    Shit's like crack.

  4. Thank Zeus!! Help is available!!

    We know how powerful, cunning, baffling and destructive excessive game playing can be. It can be devastating to the real-world lives of gamers and to those close to them. OLGA/OLG-Anon provides a resource for open discussion, support, education and referrals. We advocate and provide a 12-Step Program of recovery.

    Wow. People can't just quit shit anymore, can they?

  5. There was just a couple in South Korea who were convicted of involuntary manslaughter or some such because they allowed their actual 3 month old child to starve to death while they were spending 12+ hour stretches playing an online game where you advanced by nurturing a virtual fairy child. Totally fucked up!

    Word verification: hindhat

    Alternate form of 'asshat'.
