Saturday, September 25, 2010

For Those Just Tuning In...


  1. Vigilantes don't really fight crime so much as take revenge, right? You're living somewhat well, which I hear is the best revenge. Ergo...

  2. Hmm. Yeah, okay! I'll buy that logic!

    Holy crap. A friend of mine hipped me to the secret of attracting Twitter followers last night, and I woke up this morning with 90 new fans.

    It's not like I did anything phishy -- just find other people doing webcomics and follow them, and most of them will follow you back out of courtesy. And it works.

    One guy said one of my comics made him laugh so hard some pee came out. I don't think that's ever happened before. I'll take it, though!

  3. Wow, TMI from that guy! But I'm glad you're using the new technology to your advantage. I still haven't joined the twits, I have enough blogs and accounts to keep up with as it is. Alla this social networking stuff is wasted on an antisocial person like me!
