Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Quit Yer Bitchin.

1 comment:

  1. Mid-terms are pretty much thought of as annoyances to most people; all the ads and polls and signs. The GOP has learned this lesson - it's a great time to make gains while no one's really looking. Just look at the amounts of money poured into it. A lot of people already believe that government's for sale, so when the transaction finally happens out in the open like this, it's no longer shocking. Look how easily people accepted domestic wire-tapping. They've been told for decades that it's happening, why shouldn't they yawn when it finally happens for real? And the rubes fall for the patriot card every single time. I think that's why people are really pissed at Obama - this time, everyone thought it would be different. Silly rabbits.

    Anyhow, have you watched Walking Dead yet? I tells ya, it's a keeper so far. Of course, I've said that about a lot of shows, huh?
