Sunday, May 16, 2010

Ah, Boomtown Minivans. Never Change.


  1. Trucknutz!! Is that what they were called? I did a comic about those things back in 2004, before I started wearing the mask.

    How horrible.

    Haven't seen "liberal hunting permit", but that strikes me as incredibly hostile, and the "shy guy/big dick" thing is just... weird.

  2. Innit, though? You get to know the bumper stickers on the way to work, the same people every morning. Like, I know not to get behind the focus w/the star on the right - she never fookin' turns on a red! Arghhh!

    Anyhoo. Yeah. A liberal hunting permit. You know, liberals are, like, people; your neighbors and such. Really?

  3. Whoops! Trying to stay awake for Lost tonight an' forgot who I was for a moment...uh. Okay, then.

  4. That's okay -- log in as different people. Makes it look like I have more fans. 8)

    Almost had a new comic to throw out here tonight, but I got interrupted and it's gonna be a detailed one.

    And Lost was pretty cool. Can't wait for the finale. I heard it's gonna run an extra half hour, so set your DVRs accordingly. Case you fall asleep or something. It's gonna be a late Sunday night!

  5. I know! I managed to stay up, and whoa. Crazy, huh? I loved how Ben just said "they're in the closet" and how Locke sliced and diced the Tina Fey wanna be, because she wasn't of use to him. Looks like Sunday all the losties will be a museum party - it's gonna be a blast!
