Monday, May 3, 2010

Science Boy!

I can't do the story justice. We've all heard about the outrageous list of demands made by concert performers -- specifically the one about the bowl of M&M's with all the brown ones removed. I always thought it was somebody like Madonna, just being a pain in the ass.

There is logic to it, and it's damn impressive.

Anyway, here is the long overdue first appearance in the comic by my neighbor, Science Boy. Cheers!


  1. Hey, I didn't know you were continuing with the posts! Been busy lately, not paying attention. Good stuff, MV, glad you're posting again!

  2. Hiya, Twink! And thanks!!

    I didn't make a big hoopla about it. I will soon. But for now, I didn't wanna be all, "FOLLOW ME!!"

    I'm having fun.

  3. And as long as it's fun, keep going, right? But you can say FOLLOW ME to us guys any time.
