Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Smart Phone Paranoia.

Remember the old days when we got in the car, drove our walking route, and then subtracted the difference on the odometer to tell how far we'd gone?

Soooooo 20th century.


  1. Frankly I don't understand the need for knowing how far you walked, but I guess some people do. But then, I think the need for new gadgets every day is silly. I know I'm an anachronism at this point, but when the electricity dies, I'm gonna be king, because I know how to grow food, make candles, and find my way using a *gasp* paper map. Mwahaha! I need to get me some guns, cos as we know, after the Obamocolypse, people will prolly just come and kill me for the food I have, without bothering to think it might be useful to know how to grow it for next year. Sigh.

  2. Don't you know all exercise must be measured, and measured exactly? Pulse rate, distance, time, every possible variable -- so you can effectively suck all the joy out of it and make it something you're definitely not going to continue doing.

    As for the phone, that's why I like the BlackBerry. I can text immediate family ("Did you get there okay?", "I'm taking the afternoon off", etc.) and I like getting my email on the phone.

    But I don't need any apps or even the browser. It's nice to have if I suddenly stray off my printed MapQuest directions, but I rarely use it.

    And as for the Obamocolypse, kill a man with a fish and you can eat for a day. Learn to fish on your own, and you can be the one that gets killed.

    Wait. That's not how that goes.
